Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Origins of Yahweh

Greetings Everyone,

       I have recently made another miraculous discovery about the origins of this Yahweh character. Yahweh is the Jewish name for God, right? However, I am going to expose why this name is not the right name. I have said this name many times in my blog out of sure ignorance of the truth until today. So here I go:

        Okay, as I have stated that the Jewish people have named God, Yahweh because of the Hebrew origins but a matter of fact. This name was actually was given to the molded golden calf that Aaron fashioned the long time ago. Hence, this name Yahweh is given to a fake god or an idol. So that alone makes it NOT Our Elohim's name.

          Aaron called the golden calf, Yahweh, which ended up being a witches god. This is basically another trick from our enemy Satan. When I was reading the lost text of the First Book of Adam and Eve, I realized that Ahayah told Adam, "Satan is lord and master of everything that you have." So everything in this world is owned by Satan. All the money, modern technology, religion, philosophy, and everything else on the face of the earth except for the earth itself is owned by Satan.

         So Yahweh is another false deity that is in reference to the golden calf that was fashioned by Aaron in ancient Israel. Yashayah is the true name of the Creator. Again it can be pronounced has "e-shy-ah" or "a-high-yah". Okay?

May Ahayah Bless you.

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