Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getting To Know God

Greetings Everyone,

               I wanted to elaborate on getting to know God, whom I call Abba. There are so many pastors who minister at churches who do not really get into detail about Abba and what His personality is like because they are too busy preaching psalms and the gospel. There is nothing wrong with talking about the psalms and the gospel but we are in the end times and its best to prepare and talk more about the Book of Revelation, in which we are in right now. However, back to the main point of this topic, they do not really give out concrete information about God like they should do. So I will talk about a few points that are not really mentioned by preachers that I have learned on my own concerning God's personality.

                 First point, Abba is straightforward. He tells you exactly what is going to happen before it happens. He does not cut any corners about any events that are going to be life changing. He tells you exactly what is on His mind and will not deviate otherwise.

                 Second point, Abba is all about Truth. You don't really need me to tell you that He is about the truth and nothing but the truth.

                  Third point, Abba is quick to take everything into account. What decisions that you do, it will be written in your book of life. So people who are known for doing stuff and getting away with it in this world does not necessarily mean that they are getting away with it when it comes to Abba. I guarantee that it will be recorded in the Book of Life.

                   Fourth point, Abba can feel frustration. I know when I use to go to church and they would never really talk about God's emotions towards everything. They made it seem like He had only one emotion and that emotion was happy. Abba is happy all the time no matter what you do. Bad decisions and all. That, however, is not the case. Yes, it is true that Abba is very forgiving but if someone keeps doing the same bad stuff over and over and over and over again. There is going to be a hint of frustration.

                   Fifth point, Abba is well organized. He works on the Hebrew calender which happens to be the lunar calendar. He has an appointed time for every event that will happen, all major events that is. Minor events can be spontaneous but MAJOR events have appointed times. This definitely tells us how well organized God really is.

                  Sixth point, Abba is about justice. That is the reasons why we have judgement that take place in the world. Abba judges everyone that has done others wrong. This is also called the law of karma. What you put out, is what you receive back. That is why it is important to have positive energy and spread love towards everyone not negativity. Remember, Abba is watching.

                 Seventh point, Abba is compassionate and merciful. If you sit back and think about life within itself, there could be millions of possibilities that can go wrong. For instance, getting into a car accident on your way home or on your way to work, getting robbed at gunpoint, facing foreclosure, not able to pay bills, getting into sticky situations that you know for a fact that you are not apart of, kind of like being an innocent bystander who got caught up in a very bad situation. Not saying that these events don't happen, but they are not continuous. In other words, there could be lots of things that can go wrong but by the Grace of God, you do not have to face those problems.

                 Eighth point, Abba is humorous. Have you ever had someone who just being mean to you for no reason and then when karma begins to work its magic than they get it back. The thing about it is that it actually can turn out very humorous. Abba has a great sense of humor, bet they won't teach this in churches.

                 Ninth point, Abba is always giving out messages. I have talked about this point very often but it is very true. Not only does He hear your questions but He will respond to you. Whether, it be a unexpected message in a letter, unexpected advice from someone, or even a song that just suddenly pops up. He gives out messages in many from of communication. Please know this because it is very important.

                 Last Point, Abba always sticks by His word. Once He promises something, it is going to be fulfilled. He will never go back on His word. Just like when Adam had to wait in for the great five and a half days were finished to be rescued. The five and a half days were in God's time and that added up to be 5,500 years. Once He gives you an appointed time it is going to be at that appointed time. There is no way to expedite it. It will get fulfilled at that particular time.

                Well those are some of the points to help you get started with getting to know God. Points that are not usually covered in churches. Some of you already know this points already. But for those who do not, these just are a few points in knowing God. I hope this helps.

May Ahayah Bless You.


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