Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Little Flock

Greetings Everyone,

                  I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the little flock. Well, I am here to give you my interpretation of the lost sheep. For those who feel different in the world and not really sure why. You just know that you feel different, can not seem to relate to anything of this world no matter how hard you try you just can't.

               It is to my understanding that you are apart of Yeshua's little flock. Yeshua is not of this world and neither are you. For instance, you just are born different from any other person. Your taste may be absolutely eccentric compared to someone of "the norm". Some of you are not even afraid to speak your mind about what is wrong with today's society unlike others who will just go with the flow.

                Some of you are even as we speak trying to find ways to change the society standards. In this day in age, our society looks at the virtuous acts to be a sin and sinning acts to be a virtue. Society today is very backwards. Not everyone thinks this way because its hard to separate reality from fantasy. There are even some of you just feels like suicide is the only way out because you feel so different. Hearing people say to you that "you are weird", "crazy", or just plain "odd" and therefore you feel like the world is against you. That is because you have something that many on this earth don't have. You are apart of the little flock. You were personally chosen by Yeshua.

               If you feel that ever since you were little you did not have any personal attachments to the materialistic life. In fact you are so detach, that you don't really care about the "what's new". But rather, the "what's practical". As you go into the world, you may have notice how everyone is so into the latest and greatest fashion and you probably sigh silently to yourself wondering "Why even bother paying for those designer clothes, or even the new iPhone, when all the companies are going to do is make another one before the years out?

                 You may be like me, a born observer. You may, for as long as you can remember, have observed the surroundings around you. How people interact with other people. How people gossip behind other people's back and you often wonder. "Why?" Though you are an observer, you may not fit in well with conversation with other people because of this very trait. Do not worry its actually a great trait.

                For all of you who feel this way, do not fear. The world views you like this because the world can only recognize their own. You are not of this world and my dear brothers and sisters, it's a good thing that you are not. I encourage you to beat towards your own drum and find out the truth that is buried within this world. When I mean buried, I mean buried. You will find more about yourself as well as finding out more about Ahayah, the Most High.

                 We all have our own personalities that is a fact, but it is very rare to find people who are born with "eccentric" traits. That is just the truth within it. Remember, Yeshua, many of the officials found him very "eccentric". It was something about Yeshua, that the people just gravitated to him. As people got close to him, as a result, the officials found him to be a threat and crucified him.

                  This still goes on today, with "eccentric" people getting the brunt of everything. Just because they do not like materialistic stuff. Just because they don't do what people call "normal" things. That doesn't make the person born of taboo. They are apart of the little flock. Those who are just and kind that is and just have a unique style of doing things to help people are the little flock.

                  So little flock, do not fear. As Yeshua says before, "The servant is not better than their master. If they hate you know that they have hated me before they have hated you...You are not of this world, because I am not of this world. I have chosen you." The world can hate you no matter, how hard you try to fit in or try to be nice. There is something deep inside that they recognize and as a result, they hate you. So in other words, you can just breathe and they will hate you for that. You have a beautiful light that grows within you and this world hates you for it because they have been conditioned and under severe mind control from Satan.

                   So know that it is not you. You are not crazy. You just need to be yourself and stop trying to fit in. It will not work, no matter how hard you try. Just focus on being the best that you can be. Continue to preform righteous acts. Continue to let your beautiful light shine forth. If the world wants to go against you, than so be it. Why? Because you are not of this world. You are apart of the little flock.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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