Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Prophetic Solar Eclipse: The Coming of The Son of Man Upon Us

Greetings Everyone,

                   I hope and prayed that everyone had a fantastic Sabbath Day. I wanted to talk to you guys about what I discovered during my Sabbath worship along with my family. Okay. Remember my last post before the holidays about the Revelation 6:12 verse. Well, this is post is going to be in relation to that and we will look into detail about what this means.

                   During my study, my family and I were looking at the Book of Habakkuk. In this book I have notice that it talks about the eclipse and my family were going over the eclipse and we notices how this eclipse was actually mentioned in the Bible several times. However, I wanted to point this particular verse in Habakkuk because it best describes what is going to happen within just a few hours. The verse says:

"The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the shining of the glittering spear."  -Habakkuk 3:11

                     Okay, lets begin to bisect this verse and how it refers to this prophetic eclipse that is about to happen within a few hours from now. 

"The sun and moon stood still in their habitation"

                      The only time the sun and the moon both will stand still is during the time of the solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Since tomorrow morning there will be a solar eclipse than it will stand still for the majority of the people to see.  So this part validates the solar eclipse happening, because the sun will stop first along with the moon. Now how do we know that these eclipse is going to be a prophetic sign of the Son of Man? Well, lets continue to look into the scriptures even further.

"At the light of thine arrows they went"

                    This is were it gets interesting. The light of thine arrows are referring to the Wrath of God's arrows. That is the first thing that the scriptures are referring to. Now there is the biggest piece to the puzzle. The arrows that the scriptures are referring to is actually Comet ISON.... Yep... Comet ISON. So the light of thine arrows they went, is referring to Comet ISON passing by the sun and moon. Now this is actually suppose to be the very date where Comet ISON is going to be seen with the naked eye. So this is very huge. Now lets continue to look at the scripture. 

"And at the shining of the glittering spear"

                     This part of the verse is referring to Comet ISON. okay? Since Comet ISON is really huge, and due to the recent pictures of Comet ISON it does actually looks like a huge spear if you look at it. Like a spear that is ripping through the space air and its going to hit its destination really soon. Because of its brightness it reflects both the light and the glittering that is being predicted in the prophecy of Habakkuk. 

                      Okay now check this out you guys. Tomorrow will be November 3. So that is the month 11 and the day 3. In the verse you have:

Habakkuk 3:11

Verse: 3:11
Tomorrow's date: 11/3

                        So the verse is in reference to today's date. This is not a coincidence at all. This is 100% pure prophecy. Now that if we take these number and subtract it lets see what we get.

11 - 3 = 8
H + A + B + A + K + K + U + K = 8

                     So we have taken the month and subtracted it from the day and we got the total of eight. If we count the letters in Habakkuk we well also get the number eight.

The number 8

                      In the lost book called, The Epistle of the Apostles, you will find were it says that the eight day or Ogdoad (eight number) being the Lord's day. Where Yeshua reached completeness. Yeshua said:

"I am his resemblance and form, of his power and completeness and of his light. I am his complete (fulfilled, entire) word." 

                     So that is actually a biblical code of the date of which this particular eclipse was indeed destined to happen on this day. See how important this day really is? This day is a definitive sign of the Second Coming of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and this is the Day of the wrath of the Abba. So this day is very important. I cannot express how important this day is. 


  1. are you Jewish? I've never heard of the book Habakkuk!

  2. Oh no. I'm not Jewish. The book Habakkuk is in the Old Testament between Nahum and Zephaniah. It is a short series consisting only three chapters but its very insightful. I just realized how there was a connection between the scriptures in this series and the comet. It also talks about Comet ISON in more detail in the Book of Enoch.


moon cycle