Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Parallel Worlds

Greetings Everyone,

Photo credit to ayronstorkarynx.
I love art so much credit goes out to him for this fantastic picture.

              We are living in the parallel world. One world is pure and created by Abba. The other is created by man-made desires and corruption. It is hard to differentiate between the two because since birth we have been brainwashed to think one thing but in reality it has been something else. We have taken in science and philosophy to be the hardcore truth. We have taken in the thought of evolution to be the start of creation. We have allowed pure corruption to be apart of our temples. Why? Because we have been brainwashed to accepted these ideas as the true instead of questioning it for ourselves and learning things for ourselves. 

         The world that most people live in looks like this:

         Makes you dizzy looking at it doesn't it? I know for a fact it makes me dizzy. But that is really how society looks like. We are relying on a system that operates just like this. Everything that is bad is good and everything that is good is bad. Everything that is unhealthy is healthy and everything that is healthy is unhealthy. Everyone who is sane is insane and everyone that is insane is sane. This is how our so called "world" operates today. Everything is out of balance and backwards. Its like the movie that M. Night Shyamalan made called "Devil". Remember how the movie stared off with everything upside down. Well that is our so called "society" is. 

          Yes, another "crazy" accusation by me but I am speaking the truth. Our society is made up of ideas that tend to rotate in a backwards like way of motion. That's why there is some of the things that are happening now is like "what?" 

In short society is controlled by the illusionist:

Now, parallel the the corrupted world, we have a world that is overlooked. The spiritual world. The world that is peaceful and is one with Abba, the only living God. 

           Yes, this is the real world, the world that is often overlooked the people who are enslaved and held captive by the illusionist hand. The real world is not overcrowded by city lights and the latest technology and it gives you the best gift you can ever ask for. That is a place were you can talk to Abba, walk with Abba, learn from Abba, and establish your relationship with Abba without any interruptions from the noisy illusionist world that we are enslaved to. 

So the world that Abba created for us will most likely look like this:

            This is the world that we are suppose to live in. The world were we can have personal time with Abba and learn from him and have time to think about what we would like to do with our lives instead of focusing on what jobs will make me the most money. We then will have the freedom to do what ever we want. Have no one having authority over us except for Abba Himself. Being one with the ecosystem. As I have said many times before, nature is a link between Abba and us. Abba uses all the elements of nature to talk to us as well as enter in our dreams and visions. 

In short, the reality of our world is created by Abba:

             Once again, our frequencies that Abba has encoded in our DNA has been dimmed because of the electronics and the chem-trails and the poison and everything else this backwards society has thrown at us. Everything to stops us from talking to our Father in Heaven. We got so caught up in the works of man made stuff that we have not listened to Abba or even worst. Not even putting in the time to listen to Him. It has gotten so out of control that Abba has decided to put an end to it because now the backwards society wants to destroy us after brainwashing us away from Abba and from Yeshua. Go figure. Anyway, lets get out of this illusionary world and move to the real one. Peace guys and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You. 

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