Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

False Images Making Divisions

Greetings Everyone,

               I was just surfing Youtube. Trying to see how others from around the world are interpreting their messages that they have gotten from Abba. Now as I was looking at these videos, I have noticed that there are some who are bashing others and calling them a false prophet, whether they come from a different background or whatever the case may be. Now with that said, I want to blame once again, religion and blame the false images that have been bestowed on us since birth.

               Because of the false images that religion has portrayed they have turned brothers and sisters from all over the world against each other. This is the exact opposite that of what they are trying to promote. We are all brothers and sister no matter what the color or gender or interests each person may have. This is not the teachings of Yeshua. That is a teaching of a false doctrine that the Vatican has made for division.

             We have been conditioned to think that a certain thing is not right for so long that we automatically dismiss what the other person is saying based on looks alone or interest alone or even gender alone. Who is it to say that they have not gotten a message from Abba? It is not our place to judge them but to go and talk to Abba about whether it is true or not. The matter of using discernment.

             It is because of religion today that has caused so much division between our brothers and our sisters. The foundation of racism, the foundation of gender discrimination and promotion of supremacy pride among the elite. This is not what Yeshua stood for. This goes against everything that Yeshua has taught. He taught us to love one another and keep the 10 Commandments. Not go around after our own lust and spew hate on one another. It saddens me to see this happen among my brothers and sisters because they are blinded to the fact of modern society. We are too busy stuck in a fantasy land that was created by the Devil and designed to keep our eyes away from the prize.

             My dear friends, we are not to focus on the things of this world. We do not need a broken system that has the "utopia" label slapped on it to survive. We can do things for ourselves, and create things for ourselves (a source of living that is). We don't need a system to survive. We as a people have been crippled from all over the world to rely on the "latest technology", thus, causing us to forget who we really are. We are God's children. He gave us everything that we need in order to survive. Everything that we need is right here on earth. I am not talking about the man-made earth. I am talking about the real earth, the one with the trees, winds, water, fire, mountains, oceans, lakes, animals, ecosystem and the entire universe that falls and surrender under Abba's control.

             So all of the images that they have that is associated with religion and anything else that is man-made. Please put that out of your mind. In order to walk the path of with Yeshua, everything that you were every taught from birth, you have to let it all go. You have to release that knowledge because the knowledge that it teaches us is actually a brainwashing tool in order to control the fold. So let all that man-made knowledge go and allow Abba to teach you everything that you need to know. He will get you on the right path. He and Yeshua together will show you how to live freely without having to feel like a slave every hour, minute and second of the day.

May Abba Bless You.

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