Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lamentations Chapter 5: Strangers In the Promise Land

"Remember, O, Lord, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our house to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us. Our necks are under persecution: we labor, and have no rest."  -Lamentations 5:1-5

Greetings Everyone,

             Today, I wanted to shed some light on the strangers that are now living in the promise land. That is not there land. As I have said in my earlier post, the Ashkenazi Jews are not the true Jews of Israel. They are from Khazaria. They came and inhabited the land of Israel after the Biblical Israelites have been moved out of their land for provoking Abba into anger. Because of the actions of the Biblical Israelites, they have lost all of their heritage that Abba has given them and ended up serving other gods. These verses in Lamentations is a cry from an Israelite prophet who have seen what will happen to Israel and called for Abba for redemption. 

            Now, it is time for the true Biblical Israelites to be redeemed by Abba. The years of captivity are now over. Now it is time for the Biblical Israelites to wake up and to get back into their heritage and wait on Abba/Yeshua to redeem them from this mess that they have put themselves in. Again, who are the true Biblical Israelites. Well, the so called indigenous people are the true Biblical Israelites. Yes, I am aware that some of you will actually reject my findings. However, it has been proven in the Bible itself that the so called Black, Cubans, Caribbeans, Native American Indians, South Americans, Central Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and other so called indigenous people.

                 If you read Deuteronomy in the Bible, it talks about the events that have happened to the Israelites, and the curses that they have endured. This is the identification mark of who the real children of Israel is. So they are indeed the true children. In Lamentations, it talks about the fake Jews coming in, inhabiting the land, taking the heritage of the Israelites and just having a field day in the promise land. However, Abba has spoken to me and has told me that they will no longer enjoy the fruits of the promise lands given to my ancestors. And they will get kicked out via war. 

                 If you are wondering, yes, I am an Israelite. I come from the tribe of Judah. I am here to expose the truth about everything that has been hidden from people, from the world for a long time and it is now time to let the truth out. I am also here to talk about the teachings of Yeshua as well. How to live better and how to leave more freely and not be enslaved to such a society. So, my people, please wake up and return to our heritage, or be left behind. Abba is not going to wait much longer. The time is now. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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