Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Getting To Know Yeshua In Detail

Greetings Everyone,

             I hope that everyone had a fantastic Sabbath Day. Today, I wanted to talk about Yeshua in detail. Today, we are going to learn about Yeshua's life, since the churches does not want to cover his life in full detail. However, they only focus on his crucifixion, but what about his life what was he like when he was little. What kind of personality did he have? What kind of guy was Yeshua?

             None of these questions never got answered in the churches were the pastors and ministers are suppose to know about these things. But, how can they really know anything about the life of the Messiah, when they themselves, have not been taught. So we are going to focus on his life.

               Today, in churches, we have known Yeshua as the guy who died for us but we have never gotten any background to his life. But I tell you that his life is explained in the "The Infancy Gospel of Thomas". In this Gospel, Yeshua has been preforming miracles every since he was five years old. He was way knowledgeable beyond his years and he did not "take any mess" from other people. So that kills the theory of Yeshua performing miracles after receiving the baptism from John.

            He taught his own teachers who had a lack of knowledge. The teacher Zacchaeus, for instance, tried to teach Yeshua about the letters of all knowledge. But at the end, it was Yeshua that had taught Zacchaeus and he taught Zacchaeus in such a way that he had to get counseling because it was so embarrassing to be outwitted by a young child and still hold his social status as a teacher.

           When Yeshua was provoked into wrath, he would kill them right then and there. There was no question about it. Then the parents of the dead children who have provoked Yeshua would come to Joseph and tell him that Yeshua has unleashed his wrath on children and slay them. They asked Joseph to reason with Yeshua. When Joseph did that, Yeshua told him that he had basically came down for their sake so for those who accursed him will receive their punishment and straightway those who did were hit with blindness. He has killed a teacher that had hit him in the back of his head for showing "disobedience".

            However, at the same token, he has healed people all over town and revived people from the dead at the age of six. He revived a small child who died of illness, and a man who have died from work. He had healed his brother James when he was bitten by a snake also.

           When he was 12 years old, his parents when to Jerusalem according to custom. When they came back home thinking that he was with them they noticed that he was not there. So they searched their relatives house and did not find him so they went back to Jerusalem and found Yeshua preaching to the teachers and the elders and answered questions from them about God. When Mary found him, she told him that she had been worried sick about him and searched for him diligently. When Yeshua heard what Mary said, he responded with why were you looking for me, cant you see that I am hear to handle my Father's business.

            Yeshua was also known for working on a Sabbath Day. The Pharisees always come to criticize Yeshua about working on a Sabbath and he shouldn't work on a Sabbath. Yeshua asked them, wouldn't stop and help anyone even just because it is a Sabbath? He also did this when he was younger. He preached every Sabbath and healed on every Sabbath and the Pharisees always criticized and overseen him like he was a little kid. They just kept going with their criticisms and Yeshua basically said this: Look, I am the Lord of the Sabbath.

           So there was always disagreements that seem to be going on between the Pharisees and Yeshua. Overall, Yeshua is a very funny guy. He has a great since of humor and he is very kind and caring. He can get angry, and frustrated and he doesn't like people to doubt him and his works. He drinks and eats with the sinners so he doesn't think of himself to be better than others because he is the Son of God. Yeshua is a very laid back, funny and compassionate guy. He is also a no non-sense. And I think that this side of him, is always tend to be left out in christian churches all over. So I wanted to talk about Yeshua's life a little more and just share with you my findings of Yeshua's life. I encourage you guys to read The Infancy Gospel of Thomas. It is extremely insightful and humorous.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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