Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Frequencies in Our DNA: Why We Cannot Hear God

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to express that we have frequencies that is embedded in our DNA. Abba has put in these frequencies to respond to the healing components of the sun and gaining more energy within our bodies when we eat fruits and vegetables. Okay, yeah that is a no-brainier but it also changes and applies different codes within our DNA. That's why it is important to look to mature and relying on nature to take care of you. When you are relying on nature you are relying on Abba and he will never fail to make sure that you have what you need.

              There was also a time were we could have personal conversations with Abba. I mean were we can talk to Him and we can hear Him talk back to us. Having the Moses experience. Yes, we can have that kind of experience too. It only happens when our frequencies are high enough to receive the messages.

So why is it that we cannot hear the Father talk to us?

            Well there are two major components that mess us up when it comes down to listening and receiving the messages that Abba gives us. The first component is the chem-trails that are being preformed by the drone arsenals that spew out chemicals every single day. I mean chem-trailing has gotten so bad that now we see chem-trailers and drones at night. Please do not mistaken them as being commercial plains. They are not. 

They are drones. And this is usually what they look like at night:

I see them fly over my house all the time and making routes through out the night.
What are they up to? I have no idea.
            They can tell if you are looking at them because they will turn off their front light. I do not understand why they do that because I have no choice but to see them forbid they fly SO CLOSE to my HOUSE. I know that they are up to something but what? Only time will tell.

              At any rate, they chem-trails dull out our abilities to receive messages from Abba and cause major health problems to your health systems. After awhile we become so weak that we worry about survival nonetheless the messages that we receive, also, we cannot heal properly without the frequencies of the sun. 

            The second major component of why we cannot hear Abba speak to us is the electronics. 

Just like these circuits in this picture, our brain works on a similar level.
These circuits cause disruptions to our brains and our day to day functionality. 

           These electronics are the very reason why we cannot hear Abba as well. It plays just as much as an important role as the chem-trails that they overwhelm us with every single day. This is what causes us to get cancer, Alzheimer's and other life-threatening diseases. These little circuits that you see in the pic above. Now the wireless connections, WiFi and cellphones are the most harmful things that they have given to us. 

                 They make us vulnerable and dependent on these inventions and then when Abba takes them away with the solar flare we will be like drug addicts because we have been dependent on it for so long. Electronics are a drug and in order to not be affected when this power grid shuts down. I advise you to start detoxing yourselves from it because it is coming. 

                 The important thing to know is that we run off of frequencies. We can either keep our frequencies high or keep them low. If you keep them high you will raise up your extra sense and then you will be able to see things that you never thought you would see before. You will see spirits, balls of light, even angels. Yes I know that these is going into new age spirituality. However, I am basing this from my own personal experiences. You can hear things at a higher scale, smell fragrances that you have never smelled before but you know for a fact that you did not light a candle, burn oils or light an incense. So every sense will be graded to a clairvoyance scale. 

                  If you keep them low then you are trapped with the frame of mind that modern society has developed for you. We are not here to be distracted with unnecessary things. We are here to learn from Abba and explore the world, and also to ascend to the new heaven and new earth to expand our learning even further. We are students learning from our Abba, our Creator. 

Does that mean that he still talks to us even though we cannot hear him? 

                  Yes, we can. We still get messages every single day. Like I have said many times before, you have to be open in order to receive them because they come to you throughout the day. Whether it be boldly or gently. They will come to you and what you do not pick up consciously. You will still be able to pick it up still within your subconscious because your spirit body will receive the message and then break it down unto the human conscious. 

We can still have communication with Abba. Just apply some effort.
Each Day and Every Time.

                  I know for a fact my dear brothers and sisters, we can hear Him speak to us. Just like when He spoke to Moses. How do I know that? Because I have personally heard Him speak myself. It is the best experience that you will ever have. I mean so pure, so sensational and so very powerful. So if I was able to hear Him talk to me then I know for a fact that you will be able to hear Him talk to you too. So keep a pure heart, open mind and an open ear and just wait for Him to come and listen.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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