Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Signs of the Seventh Seal: The 144,000

Greetings Everyone,

           I wanted to briefly talk about the seventh seal right now. Today there was a sign that was given to my family in the home. Since the Tor:con event is still fresh within my mind I wanted to tell you that Abba has laid down concrete signs of the seventh seal. My family and I have seen these signs on the news as they covered the damage that was on there. Okay, here we go.

          There has been a report that in Illinois there has been first reported 144,000 that are without power. This is not a coincidence that this particular number has came about. First reported 144,000 without power. My brother and I were thinking about the same thing when he said that it represents the seventh seal. The sign of the 144,000 saints. Abba shows signs to all of us so we must be open to then. As I looked at the actualities that were played by Weather channel, I decided to look at the clock that's always at the right hand side. I always have that habit of looking at the clock on the news ever since I was little. Anyways, I just oh so happened to look down at the clock on the news and what do I see.

            The clock said 10:44 and the temperature was 77 degrees. For a minute, I did take my brain a little extra time to process the information. However, once I was able to put the pieces together. I was floored. the 77 degrees represent the Seventh Seal and the 10:44 on the clock represented the 144,000 saints. All in perfect sequence. I then stretched my hands towards Abba and gave him the glory right then and there because this sign was indeed extremely powerful and I felt it throughout my spirit, soul and body.

           So I just had to share that with you guys about the signs of the seventh seal. The 144,000 saints will be sealed. It will not be long before the Great Battle is upon us.

May Ahayah Bless You.


moon cycle