Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WW3: Code for Armageddon

Greetings Everyone,

                In this post, I will talk about the upcoming war, World War 3. Things are about to get really bad within the next few years. I don't remember if I said anything about this October onward will shape the world into Great Tribulation or not but it will. There are going to be a series of events from around the world that will shape the world into the Great Tribulation starting this October. Now we are already having governmental problems with SNAP and farm bills that they say that they can't fund them like they use to so they are going to make more budget cuts. This is what is going to basically start the famine. I mean there has been a lot of cattle and livestock that have died in the past few years and there is a food shortage like everywhere.

            This winter is going to be record breaking cold as well so how is anyone going to keep the livestock alive. With the weather that we are having now, those animals need more than a manger to keep them warm. These events have been revealed to me by Abba, Himself. So I highly suggest that you guys get prepared for this winter because those winds are going to be doing some serious cutting. However, going off topic, there are lots of rumors of war that has been going on for a couple of years now and its going to kick off really soon. Believe me this is just the calm before the storm.

             If you begin to look around you, notice your surroundings, there seem to be lots and lots of military planes that are flying here there and everywhere. I mean what are these planes going, why does the military need these planes. Are we going to war and who are we going to fight? All of these are questions that are left unanswered. However, I know one opponent that we are going to be fighting with..... Ourselves. Yep. Seems like the corrupted governments are going to be at war with their own citizens. In short, it will be another Civil War. Also in short, all the wars that we have ever had in our history will come back all at once. So everyone will be fighting everyone.

              To just express the intensity of the fighting. In the lost books collection: The Epistle of the Apostles, Yeshua said, "The sun and the moon fighting one another." Come on that is very intense. I mean the sun and the moon will be fighting each other. That is a lot of fighting. Long as the sun and the moon were friends, now they are going to turn on each other and fight. That right there shows the intensity of the wars that go on.

Yeshua also said:

"In those years and days shall war be kindled upon war; the four ends of the earth shall be in commotion and fight against each other. There after shall be quakings of clouds (or, clouds of locusts) darkness, and dearth and persecutions of them that believe on me and against the elect. There upon shall come doubt and strive and transgressions against one another. And there shall be many that believe on my name and yet follow after them and their riches and be subject unto their riches and be subject unto their pride and lust for drink, and bribery, and there shall be respect of persons among them."  -Epistle of the Apostles, verse 37.

             I mean all of this is already coming to pass right now. People following their own lustful and vain desires. Just forgetting that they are not going to take none of the stuff that they "worked all their lives for" with them. We had nothing going in and we will have nothing going out. I mean we didn't even have a body at first. So we won't even be taking that with us. Just our souls that will be taken out and nothing else. So no cars, no houses, no money, no Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton or any other name brand crap on the market. It's not going anywhere. The body that you reside in is going to turn back into dust so there is no reason to hang on to all this stuff and vain desires because at the end of the day it will not do any good. Now moving on to the WW3.

             Just like what Yeshua said, "Nation will fight against nation." Every nation will be fighting. There isn't a nation that will come out of it unscathed okay. So that is really huge. Everyone will be fighting. Not only there will be fights of the military powers but do know this is mostly a spiritual war. A spiritual war between good and evil. So prepare your spirit for the fight. That's why it is important to know that Abba is coming. He will come so fast and when everyone least expects it. So its important to be watchful. Its going to be harder to watch because the military is chem-trailing day and night and its really hard to see vividly but still be watchful. There are a lot of signs in the heavens right now, and on earth. It will not be long. Stay watchful and be sober.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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