Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The New Age Hoax

Greetings Everyone,

             Today I wanted to talk about the New Age spirituality. Those who think that we are in the Age of the Aquarius that is represented as the peaceful age and everything is okay and the earth goes unto 5D then you are highly mistaken. I'll tell you why. For one, there is still a lot of chaos as far as no jobs and governments are starting to plot against millions and millions of people as we speak. There is nothing 5 dimensional about that. The only thing that the New Age did get right is the transitioning of the world. However, this world will not transition into the peaceful earth that this philosophy thinks. This world will transition into hell. Yes hell. And there is nothing sweet and peaceful about living in hell.

            This idea has lead my brothers and sisters astray from the truth. Lightworkers that are suppose to make the world a better place, however, it is the exact opposite. So many people have clam to be workers of the light but in actuality there is nothing "light" about it. The only "light" that is being conducted is vanity and blindness. Remember that Satan is a Light Bearer. So Light-worker is really code for Light-bearer. So this ideology is something to blind people with and have people call on demons instead of angels. Furthermore, Abba (God) is not a Source.

            This ideology stems from the scripture when Yeshua is in the Father and the Father in him. Therefore they are in unison. So this ideology talks about being one with everything and everyone. This ideology talks about being reincarnated angels, witches, wizards, priest, priestesses, and faeries. This is supposingly help people find out who they are and where did they come from. This is gives people a false sense of being. I never really met a lightworker who would help you out when you really need it. instead they just say I am a lightworker and that is it. Where are the works?

                Another thing that catches my eye about this type of thing. All the "ascended masters" supposingly are ones that stem from different cultural practices from all over the world. Mixing in the truth with a whole bunch of falsehood. Names of different gods and goddesses that are called "ascended masters" are nothing but falsehood. This ideology of practice like the New Age reminds me a lot about what the Book of Enoch talks about. I really encourage you guys to read it. Here is the link below:

               The truth is we are not in the Age of the Aquarius at all. We are still in the 6000 millinniem year. Our woes are just beginning on the earth and will not get any better any time soon. The only age that we are in is the Great Tribulation Age. However, Yeshua is going to come and get the righteous out of here and they are going to be ascending to the next heaven. That is the real truth of it all. Of course in my future blogs, I will talk more about the ascension process.

              We cannot manifest a darn thing. Not without the presence of Abba. That is for sure. The idea of manifesting things on your own of course stems to the idea of alchemy. I mean come on. All of this you can find in the Book of Enoch. It talks about all of these ideologies that are now resurfacing. My dear brothers and sisters, you cannot manifest anything. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Not a thing. Abba must approve anything before manifesting. If the person is good, they get rewarded if not nothing. So that is it.

              I just wanted to talk about the New Age spirituality and how the confusion continues among people who are in the midst of trying to find themselves. In this process they then look up these things and read on them, then they will think that they are reincarnated spiritual beings. This is giving people a false sense of understanding. So people who are into this kind of thing please don't think that I am bashing you and your beliefs. I respect your beliefs, I am just point out a few points about living in the age of peace right here and right now. That is not the case. This is where it gets way worse and violence will be off the charts really soon.

                  The New Age movement is basically like religion. It uses a half-truth that pulls people into it and then feed them with a whole bunch of crap that is not really worth the time. The year 2012 does not mark any Age of Peace at all. Again, there is nothing peaceful about the earth tearing up in front of our very eyes. I see more chaos than what I ever saw in my whole 22 years of living. True, the world is transitioning but it is going to fully convert into hell and is in the process of doing that as we speak.

                  Please guys, search for the truth okay? Believe me, the truth is really out there and its waiting on you. All you got to do is be open to it and it will come to you like quick lightening. So no need to worry about when the Word of God will come to you. Especially during these times.

"Seek and ye shall find...."

May Ahayah Bless You.

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