Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, November 15, 2013

Mark of the Beast Comes in Many Forms: The Electronic Tattoo

Greetings Everyone,

           Today I wanted to talk about this electronic tattoo that everyone seems to be going so crazy about. You get this tattoo placed on your neck or hand or whatever and you are suppose to download music faster, access Facebook or all of your social networks faster. Faster access to your car and everything else that it suppose to do. So in short, you will be turned into a cyborg or if you are a female, bionic woman. It's suppose to give you super powers.

Any body remember this tattoo being similar to the movie Elysium?

            First this will start off as entertainment purposes and then they will use it for citizenship just like the movie Elysium. Guys this is going to get bad really fast. So do not take these either. If they call this the next step towards advancing into new technology than count me out. 

            Google also talking about electronic tattoo patents for people to by to get "better" access towards your favorite social media and past times, such as listening to music and everything else. 

            This is nothing but another name for the RFID Microchip. So I highly advise you guys not to take anything electronic that goes on your body or in your body. No were on the body because its going to dim your communications with Abba (God). You will become a machine once it gets on you its going to affect your whole nervous systems and all of your natural senses. What people call the sixth sense. The gut feeling or your intuition will no longer be with you. You will be cut off from all sources of natural life. 

            For those who are wondering what I am talking about when I say all sources of life, I mean nature within itself. Abba uses nature for day to day communications. We are connected with the earth. It is embedded in our DNA code. That is also why the powers that be order the military to chem-trail the sun all the time because the sun talks to our DNA and heals us naturally. That is why they don't want us to get out there in the sun and saying that we will look like those of lower social status or you will look less beautiful they will say anything to get you out of that sun. The are doing everything to keep you away from nature. Away from Abba. Why? Because once you know who you are and they will not have that power to control you anymore. 

            Then their excuse is to say that oh.. it is for your protection. I say protection my butt. They are trying to kill us. All the rulers of the world all of those who control them and the powers that be that control them. But I say, get back into nature. Nature is the primary communication line between you and Abba. Have you notice how animals react when you are around? Watch them. They have messages that are specifically for you. I recommend that you guys go out and just view the trees and travel and not be so connected with the electronics so much. I know that this can be a challenge to some of you, but once you get into it you will open up your "third" eye or strengthen your ESP. 

             Yes, everyone has ESP. You guys can only strengthen it with the connections that you have with Abba. Abba, Himself, will give you dreams and give you more perspective on the world. Give you more knowledge of how the world works. This is what people will call ESP scientifically. 

            So, my dear brothers and sisters, what ever you do. Do not take that tattoo or the RFID microchip or anything else that has to go electronically in your body. Because it is not worth your soul. It is not worth you. Being free is your birthright. Free will is your birthright. Society is all a clever lie. The reality is this: 


          I will explain this to you in my another post because this is already a pretty long post. Be safe guys and:

May Ahayah Bless You.

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