Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Today's Entertainment Industry Is Now Modern Day Witchcraft

Greetings Everyone,

             Today I wanted to talk about today's entertainment industry. Notice how there are only a select few songs that tend to play 24/7. Well that's because music is being controlled by the powers that be. Every day there seems to be nothing but the same stuff over and over and over again. Then if you look at the music videos nowadays there seems to be a complex of symbols that are just overwhelming. And they play those videos over and over again. This is the process of brain washing. They are all promoting Satan's agenda by doing these things.

             These events are the same things that has happened in the Second Book of Adam and Eve and the First Book of Enoch. How music and entertainment is used as a form of witchcraft. Different sounds and tunes tend to get different reactions from the listener to get them all attracted to it and then add a subliminal message to the listener and before you know it they will end up doing what the messages say. Music these days are now a form of mind control.

               These musicians that are on record labels and have a huge popular fan base with the entertainment business then that means that they have sold their souls for a cheap buck. That's right. I call it a cheap buck because they are not going to have it long any way. These people are then transformed into idols for the public to idolize and worship instead of God. This is to get your eyes away from the prize. That's why these entertainers turn into demons and witches because they no longer have a soul, they have sold theirs. Its over. So there is no need to follow someone who doesn't have a soul.. Why? Because they are going to burn in hell anyway. That's why.

              So they use sound, imagery, and catch lyrics to get catch their victims and make it seem like their music is so cool but in actuality they are casting spells on you. These people are modern day witches. And it doesn't stop there. It's in all entertainment tools. Movies, games, sports, food; you name it. Its everywhere. That is why I say to you brothers and sisters that we are living in hell. There is nothing cool and amazing about what the Kardashains are doing or what craziness Miley Cyrus has planed for her next music video. IT'S ALL ABOUT BREAKING THE SPELLS! These people don't care about anything but money and that is it. Half of the stars shouldn't be stars because they suck. Point. Blank.

            These stars think that they are apart of the elite now and they taunt God every chance that they get and look down on us average citizens every single day but the bottom line is. They will never be apart of the elite anyway. They have their own clique. Once they get done using them up then they are going to get x-ed out of the picture anyway. Why? Because that's how Satan does things. That's why I tell you to stay away from the stars. They are nothing but puppets even down to the politicians they are all puppets. The entertainment industry and media in general is modern day witchcraft. Don't buy into their sorcery. Don't become a victim. Okay. Love you guys. Get into the Word and be safe.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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