Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Dragon: The MAIN and FINAL Antichrist

The Dragon

Greetings Everyone,

             Before I proceed with the lighter news by preaching of the gospel. I wanted to exposing the lies that I have learned of this world first so we can have a better understanding and look forward to our Lord and Savior's arrival. I wanted to tell you more about the Dragon in detail. I will reveal it to you. For I feel this sudden urgency to tell you, because at first, I didn't think that you all would take me seriously if I were to tell you that. Like I have said many times before, the Dragon is the MAIN Antichrist. He is the main one. He will surface soon and take center stage. I had a revelation, a few months ago about the Dragon. So now, once again, it brings me great urgency to tell you who he is.

So here I go:

             You guys have seen him many before, and many of you have fallen in love with him already. He is the exact charmer of the world. Everyone has fallen to his feet, even the King of Babylon. He is the prince of this world. He has done many things underhandedly towards killing people yet he continues to be the charmer of this world. So...

Now, I will reveal my revelation to you and back this revelation with scriptures:

          In this dream I had, there was the person who had came into a room that was doing interviews about finding some kind of candidate for something. He, his wife, and their child came into the room. This man had a few papers and has talked with me and asked me a few questions. This man has also had a few sheets of crystals and things that related to the New Age Spirituality that seems to sweep the world off of its feet with its lies. I am guessing this is the method he is going to use in order to preform miracles like Yeshua did back then. (However, Yeshua did not use crystals or any of that New Age stuff to perform miracles. He performed his miracles off of word alone.) He had a phone call and he had to leave. When he was leaving, he had an inverted cross on the back of his neck. 

          "And I saw one of his heads as if had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed after the beast."  -Revelation 13:3

         So now there is only one person that I know in this whole entire world that has gotten that kind of attention. So here is what I am going to say to you. For those who don't know. Prince William is the Dragon. He had suffered a mortal head injury when he was just eight years old. So there, you have it. He had an huge indent on his left forehead and they had to reconstruct his face. 

        Now in the article, it says that he came under a new prospect of becoming a new boy. A new boy interesting. In my perspective, when Prince William had his head injury and was taken to the hospital the real boy prince died and the body was left for the dragon to take over. Now it is time to present to world with the biggest lie that was ever told on the face of the planet. 

          I believe that Princess Diana knew the real deal behind the family and has died after finding out their secrets. What did she know? I don't know myself but its something pretty huge. So I wanted to tell you about the true identity of the Dragon. That is the MAIN contender that many Christians have been looking for. I know that there are many of you that are going to mock me and tell me that I am crazy. This is the revelation that has been revealed to me. Now I will proceed with this one scripture that is not found in the bible. This reveals the true description of the image of the beast.

"Beliar seemed to be nearly a mile long by about forty yards wide. His face was ablaze as though it was lightening, and his eyes were threatening sparks. His nostrils exuded a stinking and foul smoke. His mouth was like the crag of a mountain, and each wing spanned about eighty yards."  -The Gospel of Bartholomew

         So the the image of the beast is in fact a dragon, and basically everything else evil that I have stated. So brothers and sisters out there. The times is upon us. Things are going to be really fast. Judgement is upon every nation. The great war is about to begin. Many lives are going to be lost. This is a very serious matter. Very serious. Please if you have not confessed Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as Lord and Savior. I suggest you guys do it now. Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.  


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