Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

We Are One With Nature: Nature Is God

"That they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent me."  -John 17:21

We Are All Connected With God Almighty.

Greetings Everyone,

              I wanted to talk about our connection with Abba. How it is all on a deeper scale. Abba Spirit is everywhere. He is in each and everyone of us. Hence, why I have opened this particular blog entry with the scripture found in John 17:21. This scripture talks about connectivity. How we are all connected with Abba. This is explained by Yeshua had to constantly remind people that it was indeed the Father that has sent him to ease inequitable doubt. 

            The same applies to us. God is nature. Nature is a reminder of God. Once we tear down the trees we are actually dulling out our connections with Abba. Its getting harder and harder for many of our brothers and sisters around the globe to connect with Abba. Many of them have given up and says that Abba does not exist. Most of the time, He is being overlooked. Once you guys get back to nature back into the earth and purify your hearts by being open to Him, He will reveal Himself to you. 

           The sun is our natural healing factor resource. If we have ailments, their are DNA frequencies that talks to our won DNA and we are able to heal based off of those factors. Abba is all around us all the time. Because the majority of us are not fully awakened, they will have a hard time accepting this very fact because when they are looking at the trees and lakes, that is literally what they see. Each tree carries life just like we carry life. 

           Everything that is living is connected to Abba. We are connected also. We may be distant relatives but we are still connected with each other. Let us not forget that we all stem from Adam which is the father of mankind. We are all connected with each other. Abba lives in all who accept Him and the same goes for Yeshua as well. You guys have to be willing to accept Them and you will see how the Holy Spirit is then bestowed upon you. This can help raise us all from the dead-like slave state to our higher selves and be what we were born to be. And that is to use our skills to better mankind. I don't say the world because this is going to pass away because we are living in the last days but that doesn't mean that we can't use our skills to make someone's day a little brighter. 

           The powers that be know this and that is why they came up with technology in the first place to get us all drugged out and high off of it and at the same time tearing down our connections with Abba, God Almighty. They are chem-trailing our sun because the sun is our natural healing component. Cutting down the trees so we won't look to it to heal us of our ailments, poisoning our waters, destroying anything and everything that connect us with Abba.

           Now check this out, we are nature beings, solar beings, we get energy from the sun. That's why at night we go to sleep because there is no solar energy to keep us up. So what do we use to keep us up. Fake solar power, which will be city lights, and technology. This is what keeps our mind stimulated and keep us up. Technology is trying to replace our communications with Abba. Most definitely. However, nature is were we get our nutrients from, not an iPhone. 

           Abba does not only use animals to deliver messages unto us but he also use elements. The most common element of communication is fire. Have you guys ever took time to light a candle and to see how the flame reacts? Does it act like a regular flame to you or does it seem to have its "own" personality. These flames have a distinct golden aura around then if you look at them carefully. Okay, you guys must think that I have absolutely lost my mind but I am telling you guys the truth. Once you guys start realizing as I have realized that everything in nature has life. Even the four primary elements of the earth has its own personalities and can be used as a communication port between you and Abba. 

           Like I said before, Abba is with all of us all the time. Even when you personally do not think that He is. He is always around us always revealing Himself to those who do believe in Him. He is our Father, Mentor, Friend, Healer and much more. He gives us everything that we need when we need it. So please be open to the possibilities when you go on your next nature trail. Just talk to Him. I assure you that He hears not matter where you are. And there will be signs that will open up to you to show you that He is there with you and that He hears you. So get out there and get back into nature. Just be. Don't just sit there at home watching nothing on TV. Now is the time to get in touch with Abba, Yeshua, Holy Spirit and your Higher self. Remember guys we are all connected to Abba because we are all children of God. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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