Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, November 25, 2013

Seeing with the Spirit and Not with the Eyes

Greetings Everyone,

             Remember how when we were little we were taught that seeing is believing? Everything that we see we perceive that it is true. We never think to look at what happens behind closed doors. We are mostly preoccupied with the things that are there and what we don't see then that means we are not suppose to believe it.

             Everything has to be in plain sight. That is what we were brainwashed with. So many people are from the "show me" state. However, just because we don't see things doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are things that we cannot see with our eyes but we can see with our spirit. We have two different kinds of sight. What we are familiar with that is the physical sight. Then there is a sight that we used when we were babies all the way to toddlers which is called clairvoyance or seeing with the spirit. 

              That is what we rely on to see Abba, seeing that nature has a spiritual and majestic presence. This is how we get to see Abba. Its hard to perceive what we cant see with our physical eyes so instead of trying to understand it we often shove it off to the side and put inside of our minds that it is not true. That is why Abba sent Yeshua Ha'Machiach so we can see with our physical eyes and believe. Because we have programmed to think this very thought: 'seeing is believing.' That is also how the bad guys are sucker punching us and controlling us with subliminal messages. 

               We have to start connecting back with nature and start connecting with our spirits. Once we start noticing that Yeshua was sent by Abba for us to believe in him and also noticing that Abba's presence is in nature then we can see Abba. We can see him and notice him. I come to you and confess to you that Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is our Lord and Savior and he is sent by Abba so that we can believe in Him. I come to tell you that Abba does exist. He is with us all the time. We have dulled our senses from him and fell into the trap of the imaginary world. So yeah guys. Be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

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