Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Eccentric yet Prophetic Dream: Signs of the Great Earthquake

Greetings Everyone,

            Before I start talking about my dream that came to me a few weeks back I would like to go ahead and say that I am an eccentric person. Let us remember that when Abba gives us a message it is usually worded or shown in a way that we understand.

             Okay, with that said. Lets begin. The dream started as a show. I don't know if you guys are familiar with the animated show Avatar: The Last Airbender. But that is how it came to me. I'm 22 and I like to watch cartoons, so it came to me in a way that I would understand. Was this dream animated? No. It was not. So moving on with the dream:

              I was at a coast with Yeshua. He and I were staring at the coast of the ocean. So at his command he summoned all of the waters and they formed a huge hurricane right before my very eyes. The length and the depth of it was far beyond anything that I have ever seen in my entire life. The winds of the hurricane was about to take my breath away. It was so enormous that it scared me because we (Yeshua and I) were so close to it that I was about to cast myself out of the dream by waking up. Yeshua sinced that I was scared and the hurricane ceased.

             Part of me was afraid of it and part of me was amazed by it. I mean never in my entire life, even in a dream I was able to see something like that happen in my whole entire life. Once it left. I looked for Yeshua. For he was not standing on the coast any more. I searched for him and I have found him in the forest.

         At that time the scene has changed and we were in the forest. There lies an open space with huge boulders that were in a circle. When Yeshua raised his hands up, the boulders lifted up and they were circulating around and the winds were picking up. I, once again, was so amazed by this. My eyes were locked on the boulders. When Yeshua's hands were lowered the boulders fell down with incredible strength and the earth trembled greatly. I did not lose balance because Yeshua was there with me and he did not allow me to fall. As the earth trembled then the earth also opened up. It was NOTHING that I have EVER SEEN!  Blind by my ignorance in my dream, I then asked Yeshua could he teach me. He stared straight ahead onto the horizon and the dream ended on that note.

          Soon as I awoken from my dream, my mom entered my room and told me about Super Typhoon Yolanda that just hit the Philippines that day. Now that I look back I believe that the super typhoon had connections with the enormous hurricane that I have seen in the first part of my dream.

           However, I believe that the second part of my dream is referring to the Great Global earthquake that will soon be upon us. So be on the look out guys because it is coming.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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