Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The True Birth Place of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach

Greetings Everyone,

               I hope that everyone had a great Sabbath Day. Today, I wanted to talk about the actual birth of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Many of us grew up to believe that Yeshua was born in a manger or Yeshua was born under a palm tree in the middle of nowhere. I come to tell you that this is not the case. According to the lost book called "The Infancy Gospel of James". Yeshua was born in a cave. Joseph was there unlike what Islam has spoke of. However, Joseph is not Mary's husband as Christianity had us to believe.

              This infancy gospel also talked about Mary's birth as well and she also came from the Lord God (Abba). Because her mother Anna was barren. I just wanted to point that out also. Now proceeding to Yeshua's birth. Herod wanted to kill him and had appointed three astrologers to go out and tell him about Yeshua's whereabouts but they did not tell them. They gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Now notices that these are the same things that were mentioned in  "The First Book of Adam and Eve" that Abba has given Adam golden rods, frankincense and myrrh as a token of the garden for consolation. Then Abba continues to tell them that these things will be presented to Him when he becomes flesh to save Adam and his descendants.

               This gospel also tells how Mary hid baby Yeshua in the stall with cows once she heard that Herod was going to kill all the babies that were two and under. That is how the lie of Mary having a child in the manger came about. But that is a huge lie. Yeshua was born in a cave and it was the Hebrew midwife Salome that had delivered Yeshua.

                So that is the real birth place of Yeshua. Not a manger, and not under a palm tree but in a cave. I have left references in this entry that will point you to where you need to go to find the truth. I hope that this clears up some things for you guys. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Significance of September 11

Greetings Everyone,

           I want to go over something with you guys in reference to September 11. Some of you may know this and some of you may not. Either way I wanted to get this out there and tell you about September 11 and the significance of it. Okay, September 11 is the true birthday of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Now I will give you references to why that is and will give you a video that is about 10 minutes long telling you this. Okay, here we go.

            Lets start by saying that we all know that December 25 is not his true birthday but the Vatican has tacked that day to be his birthday and has also tacked in that same day for other false religious figures as well. So lets shed all the lies and get to the truth shall we. Scripture says:

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."  -Luke 1:35

"But the Spirit of him raised up Yeshua from the dead dwell in you, that he raised up the Messiah from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."  -Romans 8:11

"And from Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the princes of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed from our sins in his won blood."  Revelation 1:5

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."  -Colossians 1:15

"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that all things he might have the preeminence."   -Colossians 1:18

         These scriptures are all there to define his divinity and his mission. Ever since an infant. Now how is September 11 tie into it? Well this is what Scripture says about that:

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon, under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she bright forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne."   -Revelation 12: 1 and 5

                 So we know that the woman is Israel, the twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel and we know that the man child is Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Alright, If you take this to the stars of heaven, we find that the woman also represents Virgo. The zodiac sign of Virgo is late August and early September. Now how do we know for sure that September 11 is in fact his birthday? This is where the video comes in because its better at explaining than I am:

        Alright guys enjoy this insightful video. That's it for now until next time. Be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always. 

A New Millennium: Kingdom of God

Greetings Everyone,

           As you may know from the other blogs that I have made. I have stated that the Yeshua is Coming very soon. As a matter of fact it is very imminent and spontaneous. So in other words, it can happen at any time. When I say that I mean the Rapture part. Please let me inform you that Rapture is simply a label. Just like the label "World War" "Race" "Retail" "Transatlantic Slave Trade", the Bible tells us in detail of a certain event, it does not tell you exactly what it is called. So just because I use the term Rapture, that is specifically to talk about a certain event in the Bible that is about to happen. Just like the Bible talked about the Transatlantic Slave Trade, in Deuteronomy, however, that just because it the name of the event is not in the Bible doesn't mean that it didn't happen, okay? So just wanted to put that out there. So I personally believe that we are at the end of the 6000 year mark and are transitioning to the 7000 year mark.

             Within the last years of the 6000 year mark, there are going to be a lot of chaos as I have stated in previous blogs. However, after the defeat of the Dragon and his allies, we will launch into the new millennium. The Kingdom of God on the new earth. So what is key here is the ending of the modern slave society:

            And the beginning of the New Peaceful Era once Yeshua is here and establishes the Kingdom of God here on the new earth:

          So there it is. Now where can we find Heaven right now until the Kingdom of God is established on the new earth...? Scripture says:

"Neither shall they say, Lo here, or lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."  -Luke 17:21

              So right there, it's telling you that you hold the key to the kingdom of God. So there is no need to go inside of a church or go outside of yourself to find it. Abba implanted a key inside of each and everyone of us. So we can get to Him and reach Him. So we do not need to worry about that. We hold the key of the kingdom of God. Now with that said, we must also understand that Yeshua holds the key of everlasting life. For Scripture says this:

"Yeshua said, 'For I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.'"  -John 14:6

                  So there we have it. Everlasting life can only be maintained through Yeshua. He also said, "No one comes to the Father but through me." Now I know some of you may be wondering, "How is it that I hold the key to the kingdom of God, but in order to get to Him, I have to go through Yeshua?" I will explain. 

              Yeshua is the only way we can get to Abba because Yeshua is the visible image of Abba Himself. Now lets back this statement up with a scripture:

"Yeshua said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am."  -John 8:58

             Now in this scripture, we have the words, "I AM", okay? Now in the Old Testament, Doesn't Abba say those exact same words to Moses when Moses asked what to say if the children of Israel asked who sent him. According to the Scriptures, Abba says:

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."  -Exodus 3:14

                This is very interesting to read the scriptures and the interpretations of it. Now remember that I stated in my older blogs about seeing is believing. How we have to see something in order to perceive it. Well, Yeshua being the visual image of the Word of God. Yeshua being the visual image of Abba Himself. Many can see him perform miracles through the works of Abba. We believe it. Then it comes to our spiritual minds and then we return home to Abba. So it is important to know this information. Once again, I will tell you that this miracle worker/deceiver will use New Age Spirituality to get to people but do not be fooled by him. Remember the things that I have spoke about Yeshua. All backed by lost gospels that were never in the Bible in the first place. Alright, guys that's it for now. I post later. Be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always. 


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I Tell You Great News

Greetings Everyone,

          I want to proceed further by introducing the lighter side of my ministry, preaching the gospel. I want to talk about the great news that is at hand. I wanted to expose the lies about this world and how we have been living in the imaginary fantasy land first so you can have more of a understanding. I wanted to tell you that Yeshua is coming. HE IS COMING!!!! I know that there are many of you that think that I am like the others that are making this up but I am quite serious. We are in the last chapters of the Bible. Our Lord is coming back and establish His Kingdom. So I wanted to go ahead and spread the gospel. Besides, I know that you guys are feeling a little discouraged because of all the daunting news that I have shared with you all. So I am going to further proceed with the gospel.

The Fig Tree

"So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand."  -Luke 21:31

              Yeshua is coming very soon. Things are going to be much better because he is coming to establish the Kingdom of God on the new earth. So lets begin. All of you be safe and have a blessed evening.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

The Dragon: The MAIN and FINAL Antichrist

The Dragon

Greetings Everyone,

             Before I proceed with the lighter news by preaching of the gospel. I wanted to exposing the lies that I have learned of this world first so we can have a better understanding and look forward to our Lord and Savior's arrival. I wanted to tell you more about the Dragon in detail. I will reveal it to you. For I feel this sudden urgency to tell you, because at first, I didn't think that you all would take me seriously if I were to tell you that. Like I have said many times before, the Dragon is the MAIN Antichrist. He is the main one. He will surface soon and take center stage. I had a revelation, a few months ago about the Dragon. So now, once again, it brings me great urgency to tell you who he is.

So here I go:

             You guys have seen him many before, and many of you have fallen in love with him already. He is the exact charmer of the world. Everyone has fallen to his feet, even the King of Babylon. He is the prince of this world. He has done many things underhandedly towards killing people yet he continues to be the charmer of this world. So...

Now, I will reveal my revelation to you and back this revelation with scriptures:

          In this dream I had, there was the person who had came into a room that was doing interviews about finding some kind of candidate for something. He, his wife, and their child came into the room. This man had a few papers and has talked with me and asked me a few questions. This man has also had a few sheets of crystals and things that related to the New Age Spirituality that seems to sweep the world off of its feet with its lies. I am guessing this is the method he is going to use in order to preform miracles like Yeshua did back then. (However, Yeshua did not use crystals or any of that New Age stuff to perform miracles. He performed his miracles off of word alone.) He had a phone call and he had to leave. When he was leaving, he had an inverted cross on the back of his neck. 

          "And I saw one of his heads as if had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed after the beast."  -Revelation 13:3

         So now there is only one person that I know in this whole entire world that has gotten that kind of attention. So here is what I am going to say to you. For those who don't know. Prince William is the Dragon. He had suffered a mortal head injury when he was just eight years old. So there, you have it. He had an huge indent on his left forehead and they had to reconstruct his face. 

        Now in the article, it says that he came under a new prospect of becoming a new boy. A new boy interesting. In my perspective, when Prince William had his head injury and was taken to the hospital the real boy prince died and the body was left for the dragon to take over. Now it is time to present to world with the biggest lie that was ever told on the face of the planet. 

          I believe that Princess Diana knew the real deal behind the family and has died after finding out their secrets. What did she know? I don't know myself but its something pretty huge. So I wanted to tell you about the true identity of the Dragon. That is the MAIN contender that many Christians have been looking for. I know that there are many of you that are going to mock me and tell me that I am crazy. This is the revelation that has been revealed to me. Now I will proceed with this one scripture that is not found in the bible. This reveals the true description of the image of the beast.

"Beliar seemed to be nearly a mile long by about forty yards wide. His face was ablaze as though it was lightening, and his eyes were threatening sparks. His nostrils exuded a stinking and foul smoke. His mouth was like the crag of a mountain, and each wing spanned about eighty yards."  -The Gospel of Bartholomew

         So the the image of the beast is in fact a dragon, and basically everything else evil that I have stated. So brothers and sisters out there. The times is upon us. Things are going to be really fast. Judgement is upon every nation. The great war is about to begin. Many lives are going to be lost. This is a very serious matter. Very serious. Please if you have not confessed Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as Lord and Savior. I suggest you guys do it now. Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.  


Monday, November 25, 2013

Seeing with the Spirit and Not with the Eyes

Greetings Everyone,

             Remember how when we were little we were taught that seeing is believing? Everything that we see we perceive that it is true. We never think to look at what happens behind closed doors. We are mostly preoccupied with the things that are there and what we don't see then that means we are not suppose to believe it.

             Everything has to be in plain sight. That is what we were brainwashed with. So many people are from the "show me" state. However, just because we don't see things doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are things that we cannot see with our eyes but we can see with our spirit. We have two different kinds of sight. What we are familiar with that is the physical sight. Then there is a sight that we used when we were babies all the way to toddlers which is called clairvoyance or seeing with the spirit. 

              That is what we rely on to see Abba, seeing that nature has a spiritual and majestic presence. This is how we get to see Abba. Its hard to perceive what we cant see with our physical eyes so instead of trying to understand it we often shove it off to the side and put inside of our minds that it is not true. That is why Abba sent Yeshua Ha'Machiach so we can see with our physical eyes and believe. Because we have programmed to think this very thought: 'seeing is believing.' That is also how the bad guys are sucker punching us and controlling us with subliminal messages. 

               We have to start connecting back with nature and start connecting with our spirits. Once we start noticing that Yeshua was sent by Abba for us to believe in him and also noticing that Abba's presence is in nature then we can see Abba. We can see him and notice him. I come to you and confess to you that Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is our Lord and Savior and he is sent by Abba so that we can believe in Him. I come to tell you that Abba does exist. He is with us all the time. We have dulled our senses from him and fell into the trap of the imaginary world. So yeah guys. Be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

The President Assassination Fascination

Greetings Everyone,

           At this moment, I wanted to talk about what I call the Kennedy Insider. In America, there seems to be so much going on about this Kennedy thing. They have specials called "Killing Kennedy". I found this very interesting because Kennedy has been dead for some years why bring him up now? Is it because his daughter, Caroline Kennedy just became the ambassador of Japan? I highly doubt it. I think that there is something more deeper than that. So here is a thought that came to mind. The thought said: "Someone is going to be assassinated." I wondered who it was going to be... Could it be another Kennedy? Then I thought about it. Well I don't have any bad vibes come from the Kennedy family at all. So I just wondered and stayed in limbo for a minute.

           Then there was the 150th Anniversary, of the Gettysburg Address. Then I was like, 'hey, wait a minute, now they are talking about the Gettysburg Address? The address that Abraham Lincoln did a long time ago. He has been dead for a while. Then I connected the dots. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated as well. Now we have JFK and Abraham Lincoln. They were both presidents, they both stayed in office for a short time and they both were assassinated. Then the most the Spirit inside of me moved and I was thought this thought: 'wait a minute, didn't Obama idolized Abraham Lincoln. I mean the man when on a train to accept his first inauguration as president like Lincoln did. Which I thought back then was very freaky.

          He didn't even show to give a public appearance stating the Gettysburg Address. They had to get an re-an-actor to do the address. Then here comes Obama doing the Gettysburg Address on t.v., Skype, or whatever he did and then he leaves out the most important thing in the Address itself: "UNDER GOD". So that just proved right there that he is not religious. It proved my very statement back in 2011, that he doesn't have a religious background at all.  

          So what conclusion did I get out of this. That same day when I thought about Obama having a fascination of Abraham Lincoln. A thought came into mind and it said: "Obama will get assassinated." I was floored by the thought. I knew that he would get killed but I didn't think that they would announce it with subliminal messages. This is the announcement that the Beast in Revelations is going to get killed. Then the Dragon will take his place. So be on the look out. I don't know if he is going to be killed and then they say that he left the country or he's going to leave the country and die over there or is he just going to die here and everyone know about it. I don't know. I will go and get confirmation about that. Also talk to Abba and get confirmation about this. I not 100% sure about what is going to happen at this point but I do know this. The Beast time of reign is just about over. The main events are going to happen soon. Okay, guys that's it for this topic. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Modern Medicine: A form of Alchemy

Greetings Everyone,

              How are you today? I hope everyone is doing well. This is an additional attachment to why we all need to go and rely on herbs to help us heal and other benefits. Along time ago, we were told that the use of herbs is a form of witchcraft and devil worship. I do not agree with that. Forbid that herbs come from the earth, I find it hard to believe that it is an act of devil worship if you use herbs to cook and to heal someone. That is not the case. Herbs come from the earth and the earth comes from Abba, our Father in Heaven. However, if you use the herbs for something that its not suppose to be used for than that's another story.

             What I am promoting is this: Herbs are great to use for medical purposes. I want to let all of you guys know this, that all of the topics that I talk about flows through me from Abba and I do not take any credit at all for any of the topics that I have. I am not a preacher or minister. Just a messenger, a servant, and a teacher.

              Now lets talk about modern medicine and how its evil to the core. The modern medicine is composed of nothing but chemicals. All of the chemicals are jointed and fused into make something totally different. Isn't that kind of the way, Alchemy is? Taking something and then changing it into something else? So if you guys do not believe me than I suggest that you view the logos of those in the medical field.

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Care

Verses this:

Pictures of Ancient Alchemy

            Hmm. Imagine that. Along time ago, medicine was used by the Nazis to kill people back at the Jewish holocaust, now they are using it to heal and "make" people "feel" better. However, modern medicine is nothing but a form of ancient alchemy. Alchemy is not good for you at all. It brings nothing but bad vibes and turn you crazy and dependent on modern medicine and the way that they keep you on it is to say that "hey, there isn't enough evidence to prove that herbs actually help the body." That is 100% crap. Herbs are better to use than using a high components of chemicals pumped up in your body that will have long term side effects and eventually kill you. We already have to battle chem-trails, we do not need MORE chemicals in our body to finish us off, okay? So please, please, please, please, do not rely on the medical system to help you. Rely on the herbs. Okay, guys that's it for this topic. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Parallel Worlds

Greetings Everyone,

Photo credit to ayronstorkarynx.
I love art so much credit goes out to him for this fantastic picture.

              We are living in the parallel world. One world is pure and created by Abba. The other is created by man-made desires and corruption. It is hard to differentiate between the two because since birth we have been brainwashed to think one thing but in reality it has been something else. We have taken in science and philosophy to be the hardcore truth. We have taken in the thought of evolution to be the start of creation. We have allowed pure corruption to be apart of our temples. Why? Because we have been brainwashed to accepted these ideas as the true instead of questioning it for ourselves and learning things for ourselves. 

         The world that most people live in looks like this:

         Makes you dizzy looking at it doesn't it? I know for a fact it makes me dizzy. But that is really how society looks like. We are relying on a system that operates just like this. Everything that is bad is good and everything that is good is bad. Everything that is unhealthy is healthy and everything that is healthy is unhealthy. Everyone who is sane is insane and everyone that is insane is sane. This is how our so called "world" operates today. Everything is out of balance and backwards. Its like the movie that M. Night Shyamalan made called "Devil". Remember how the movie stared off with everything upside down. Well that is our so called "society" is. 

          Yes, another "crazy" accusation by me but I am speaking the truth. Our society is made up of ideas that tend to rotate in a backwards like way of motion. That's why there is some of the things that are happening now is like "what?" 

In short society is controlled by the illusionist:

Now, parallel the the corrupted world, we have a world that is overlooked. The spiritual world. The world that is peaceful and is one with Abba, the only living God. 

           Yes, this is the real world, the world that is often overlooked the people who are enslaved and held captive by the illusionist hand. The real world is not overcrowded by city lights and the latest technology and it gives you the best gift you can ever ask for. That is a place were you can talk to Abba, walk with Abba, learn from Abba, and establish your relationship with Abba without any interruptions from the noisy illusionist world that we are enslaved to. 

So the world that Abba created for us will most likely look like this:

            This is the world that we are suppose to live in. The world were we can have personal time with Abba and learn from him and have time to think about what we would like to do with our lives instead of focusing on what jobs will make me the most money. We then will have the freedom to do what ever we want. Have no one having authority over us except for Abba Himself. Being one with the ecosystem. As I have said many times before, nature is a link between Abba and us. Abba uses all the elements of nature to talk to us as well as enter in our dreams and visions. 

In short, the reality of our world is created by Abba:

             Once again, our frequencies that Abba has encoded in our DNA has been dimmed because of the electronics and the chem-trails and the poison and everything else this backwards society has thrown at us. Everything to stops us from talking to our Father in Heaven. We got so caught up in the works of man made stuff that we have not listened to Abba or even worst. Not even putting in the time to listen to Him. It has gotten so out of control that Abba has decided to put an end to it because now the backwards society wants to destroy us after brainwashing us away from Abba and from Yeshua. Go figure. Anyway, lets get out of this illusionary world and move to the real one. Peace guys and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You. 

False Images Making Divisions

Greetings Everyone,

               I was just surfing Youtube. Trying to see how others from around the world are interpreting their messages that they have gotten from Abba. Now as I was looking at these videos, I have noticed that there are some who are bashing others and calling them a false prophet, whether they come from a different background or whatever the case may be. Now with that said, I want to blame once again, religion and blame the false images that have been bestowed on us since birth.

               Because of the false images that religion has portrayed they have turned brothers and sisters from all over the world against each other. This is the exact opposite that of what they are trying to promote. We are all brothers and sister no matter what the color or gender or interests each person may have. This is not the teachings of Yeshua. That is a teaching of a false doctrine that the Vatican has made for division.

             We have been conditioned to think that a certain thing is not right for so long that we automatically dismiss what the other person is saying based on looks alone or interest alone or even gender alone. Who is it to say that they have not gotten a message from Abba? It is not our place to judge them but to go and talk to Abba about whether it is true or not. The matter of using discernment.

             It is because of religion today that has caused so much division between our brothers and our sisters. The foundation of racism, the foundation of gender discrimination and promotion of supremacy pride among the elite. This is not what Yeshua stood for. This goes against everything that Yeshua has taught. He taught us to love one another and keep the 10 Commandments. Not go around after our own lust and spew hate on one another. It saddens me to see this happen among my brothers and sisters because they are blinded to the fact of modern society. We are too busy stuck in a fantasy land that was created by the Devil and designed to keep our eyes away from the prize.

             My dear friends, we are not to focus on the things of this world. We do not need a broken system that has the "utopia" label slapped on it to survive. We can do things for ourselves, and create things for ourselves (a source of living that is). We don't need a system to survive. We as a people have been crippled from all over the world to rely on the "latest technology", thus, causing us to forget who we really are. We are God's children. He gave us everything that we need in order to survive. Everything that we need is right here on earth. I am not talking about the man-made earth. I am talking about the real earth, the one with the trees, winds, water, fire, mountains, oceans, lakes, animals, ecosystem and the entire universe that falls and surrender under Abba's control.

             So all of the images that they have that is associated with religion and anything else that is man-made. Please put that out of your mind. In order to walk the path of with Yeshua, everything that you were every taught from birth, you have to let it all go. You have to release that knowledge because the knowledge that it teaches us is actually a brainwashing tool in order to control the fold. So let all that man-made knowledge go and allow Abba to teach you everything that you need to know. He will get you on the right path. He and Yeshua together will show you how to live freely without having to feel like a slave every hour, minute and second of the day.

May Abba Bless You.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jesus Barabbas: The Evil Jesus

Greetings Everyone,

            Many post back, I have said that I want to be able to establish Yeshua's name as the true name of the Messiah, not Jesus. The Romans back then changed his name and called him Jesus instead of Yeshua. Now, here is why I say that it is important to call the Messiah buy his Hebrew name and not the Greek name given to him. According to the NIV Bible there seems to be some added excerpts about the cruxifixion of Yeshua.

          In the Greek understanding of the text, there are actually two Jesus present at the time. Jesus Christ (name given in place of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) and Jesus Barabbas. Now, here is some back ground about Jesus Barabbas.

          He also calls himself "son of the father". But the real question is what father? This guy was a militant, hosted parties, killing people, and a low life thug. And they let this guy go instead of Yeshua. Because the people chose him over Yeshua. So basically his name translates as Jesus, son of the devil. That is who Barabbas father is about. So what is the real story behind this?

          This the first choosing between the Messiah and the Antichrist. You have Yeshua that died and saved all of mankind from sins. All that believe in him and that Abba has sent him. Then you have Barabbas, the low life thug militant that when around and killed people for his party rallies. So when it came down to who they were going to free they freed Barabbas. The world chose the freaking Antichrist.

           Now it goes deeper than that. The Dragon, or MAIN Antichrist is going to be like Barabbas/ Evil Jesus. A militant, and a cold blooded killer. Even the picture above is very interesting. In this movie they compared Barabbas as to only having "one" eye. Just like the final Antichrist is going to have a major head crushing wound but it has been healed. He will also have "one" eye.

            That is why it is so important to work know the true name of the Messiah. It is Yeshua Ha'Mashiach not Jesus Christ. That is how the main Antichrist guy is going to fool people because of the name and do the same things that Yeshua has done and try to be for peace and everything. So be on the look out. I love you guys and I wouldn't have made so many post about this if I didn't. I know I sound crazy but I'm telling the truth. Be safe guys.

May Abba Bless You.

U.S. and Iran Nuclear Deal: Invitation to Blow Up Israel

Greetings Everyone,

           Just now the U.S. and Iran has just struck a nuclear deal. They are about blow up Israel. The Gog and the Magog war is about to begin guys. Israel will be bombed really soon by Iran. Now this was a 6 month deal. Interesting number. But that's not the only thing that is interesting about this deal.

             This deal was discussed among 6 WORLD POWERS!!! Now that is huge!!! Now who was apart of this deal besides Iran and the U.S.? Well, France, Germany, Britain, China, and Russia. (Including the U.S. as a world power.) All of this is to start the Gog and the Magog war.

So I wonder how the Jewish people feel about this?

                 Probably betrayed and scared. The U.S. was suppose to be allies with Israel and help keep them safe but they probably feel really disgusted right now about the new deal that has been reached by their ally and Iran. Now with this said. I am sure that the Israeli Prime Minister has already felt this coming that's why he has stated many times that. "Israel, will work alone." or "If Israel feels threatened than they will act alone in order to protect Israel and their citizens." So there it is on that.

                  This deal is nothing but peaceful. So look out. It's about to go down. The Gog and the Magog war is about to start so be ready for some chaos.

                    Oh yeah, there is a possibility that Iran will also bomb Syria because of the embassy attack that has happened a few days back. So look out for that too. Be safe.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Abba's Elect: Pre-selected

"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called, them he also justified; and whom justified, them he also glorified."  -Romans 8:29-30.

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to talk about the Elect. According to the Scriptures, Abba's Elect has been predestined. Before the children were born, before they would do good or evil, Abba's has already pre-selected His Elect. So the sealing of the 144,000 is actually the calling from Abba to his Elect. The seal is the Holy Spirit of promise. Yes, the Elect has already been preselected way before birth. So this is a huge deal! Here is another Scripture that is showing that Abba has already preselected his Elect. It says:

"For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth."  -Romans 9:11

              That is also confirmation that the Elect have already been chosen before a single child was born on the earth and even before the earth itself was born. Again, huge news that my family and I have just learned that was revealed to us by Abba on Sabbath. 

Now who is the Elect? Well, we are going to look at the Scriptures again. In, once again, Romans. It states this:

"For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ (Messiah) for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; whose fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ (Messiah) came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen."  -Romans 9:2-5

          So Abba's Elect is indeed the Biblical Israelites. Not the Ashkenazi Jews that are over there in Israel right now. They are going to get kicked out. Israel is about to get bombed really soon. So there is no way that they are the chosen ones. They were put in by the Union not by Abba, Himself. So the Biblical Israelites are indeed the Elect and they will be gathered really soon. Okay, guys. Be safe.

May Ahayah Bless You. 

Getting To Know Yeshua In Detail

Greetings Everyone,

             I hope that everyone had a fantastic Sabbath Day. Today, I wanted to talk about Yeshua in detail. Today, we are going to learn about Yeshua's life, since the churches does not want to cover his life in full detail. However, they only focus on his crucifixion, but what about his life what was he like when he was little. What kind of personality did he have? What kind of guy was Yeshua?

             None of these questions never got answered in the churches were the pastors and ministers are suppose to know about these things. But, how can they really know anything about the life of the Messiah, when they themselves, have not been taught. So we are going to focus on his life.

               Today, in churches, we have known Yeshua as the guy who died for us but we have never gotten any background to his life. But I tell you that his life is explained in the "The Infancy Gospel of Thomas". In this Gospel, Yeshua has been preforming miracles every since he was five years old. He was way knowledgeable beyond his years and he did not "take any mess" from other people. So that kills the theory of Yeshua performing miracles after receiving the baptism from John.

            He taught his own teachers who had a lack of knowledge. The teacher Zacchaeus, for instance, tried to teach Yeshua about the letters of all knowledge. But at the end, it was Yeshua that had taught Zacchaeus and he taught Zacchaeus in such a way that he had to get counseling because it was so embarrassing to be outwitted by a young child and still hold his social status as a teacher.

           When Yeshua was provoked into wrath, he would kill them right then and there. There was no question about it. Then the parents of the dead children who have provoked Yeshua would come to Joseph and tell him that Yeshua has unleashed his wrath on children and slay them. They asked Joseph to reason with Yeshua. When Joseph did that, Yeshua told him that he had basically came down for their sake so for those who accursed him will receive their punishment and straightway those who did were hit with blindness. He has killed a teacher that had hit him in the back of his head for showing "disobedience".

            However, at the same token, he has healed people all over town and revived people from the dead at the age of six. He revived a small child who died of illness, and a man who have died from work. He had healed his brother James when he was bitten by a snake also.

           When he was 12 years old, his parents when to Jerusalem according to custom. When they came back home thinking that he was with them they noticed that he was not there. So they searched their relatives house and did not find him so they went back to Jerusalem and found Yeshua preaching to the teachers and the elders and answered questions from them about God. When Mary found him, she told him that she had been worried sick about him and searched for him diligently. When Yeshua heard what Mary said, he responded with why were you looking for me, cant you see that I am hear to handle my Father's business.

            Yeshua was also known for working on a Sabbath Day. The Pharisees always come to criticize Yeshua about working on a Sabbath and he shouldn't work on a Sabbath. Yeshua asked them, wouldn't stop and help anyone even just because it is a Sabbath? He also did this when he was younger. He preached every Sabbath and healed on every Sabbath and the Pharisees always criticized and overseen him like he was a little kid. They just kept going with their criticisms and Yeshua basically said this: Look, I am the Lord of the Sabbath.

           So there was always disagreements that seem to be going on between the Pharisees and Yeshua. Overall, Yeshua is a very funny guy. He has a great since of humor and he is very kind and caring. He can get angry, and frustrated and he doesn't like people to doubt him and his works. He drinks and eats with the sinners so he doesn't think of himself to be better than others because he is the Son of God. Yeshua is a very laid back, funny and compassionate guy. He is also a no non-sense. And I think that this side of him, is always tend to be left out in christian churches all over. So I wanted to talk about Yeshua's life a little more and just share with you my findings of Yeshua's life. I encourage you guys to read The Infancy Gospel of Thomas. It is extremely insightful and humorous.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lamentations Chapter 5: Strangers In the Promise Land

"Remember, O, Lord, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our house to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us. Our necks are under persecution: we labor, and have no rest."  -Lamentations 5:1-5

Greetings Everyone,

             Today, I wanted to shed some light on the strangers that are now living in the promise land. That is not there land. As I have said in my earlier post, the Ashkenazi Jews are not the true Jews of Israel. They are from Khazaria. They came and inhabited the land of Israel after the Biblical Israelites have been moved out of their land for provoking Abba into anger. Because of the actions of the Biblical Israelites, they have lost all of their heritage that Abba has given them and ended up serving other gods. These verses in Lamentations is a cry from an Israelite prophet who have seen what will happen to Israel and called for Abba for redemption. 

            Now, it is time for the true Biblical Israelites to be redeemed by Abba. The years of captivity are now over. Now it is time for the Biblical Israelites to wake up and to get back into their heritage and wait on Abba/Yeshua to redeem them from this mess that they have put themselves in. Again, who are the true Biblical Israelites. Well, the so called indigenous people are the true Biblical Israelites. Yes, I am aware that some of you will actually reject my findings. However, it has been proven in the Bible itself that the so called Black, Cubans, Caribbeans, Native American Indians, South Americans, Central Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and other so called indigenous people.

                 If you read Deuteronomy in the Bible, it talks about the events that have happened to the Israelites, and the curses that they have endured. This is the identification mark of who the real children of Israel is. So they are indeed the true children. In Lamentations, it talks about the fake Jews coming in, inhabiting the land, taking the heritage of the Israelites and just having a field day in the promise land. However, Abba has spoken to me and has told me that they will no longer enjoy the fruits of the promise lands given to my ancestors. And they will get kicked out via war. 

                 If you are wondering, yes, I am an Israelite. I come from the tribe of Judah. I am here to expose the truth about everything that has been hidden from people, from the world for a long time and it is now time to let the truth out. I am also here to talk about the teachings of Yeshua as well. How to live better and how to leave more freely and not be enslaved to such a society. So, my people, please wake up and return to our heritage, or be left behind. Abba is not going to wait much longer. The time is now. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Experiences Help Us Grow: Both Blissful and Traumatic

Greetings Everyone,

           I also wanted to share about experiences. Each experience that we have whether it me something minor or major. We always have some type of impact from these experiences. Now we have the indirect and the direct impact.

The direct impact of experiences:

Traumatic Experiences
               Traumatic experiences are the ones that directly impact us and can have an everlasting effect if this type of experience is not resolved. What I mean by resolved is this. If this experience all of a sudden starts to run you life and you cannot seem to find peace with yourself than that particular experience is running you. You are giving it control over you and have it deal with your day to day life. For instance, if you had an abusive experience with someone and you decide that you are going to shut off from the world because of that experience. Than you have allowed that situation to run your life. Because everyone will start looking like the abuser after awhile.

            Or for instance you trusted this person for a long time and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere this person stabs you in the back okay. Then you forgive but it keeps happening, and happening all over again. Then you decided to shut out people because they have continually stabbed you in the back. So basically a traumatic experience is a were you shut out the world. You tend to want to interact with people but are afraid of what the results might be. Will it turn out for the better or will I go back to square one. 

          The thing is we don't know. We have to take bad experiences as learning lessons. The lessons of forgiveness. We must be able to grow and work out these experiences and turn it out for the positive. Okay? I know that it's going to be hard. It's hard for everyone but with these types of traumatic experiences that we have eventually it leads down to one root word: Forgiveness. Well, you forgive the person who have caused you grief. 

          Like with Yeshua, he forgave Pontius Pilate who authorized the crucifixion. That is the ultimate example of forgiveness. I think that the most social traumatic experiences are experiences that the universe throws at us to teach us how to forgive. That is what I think.

The indirect impact of experiences:

Blissful Experiences

             Okay, so what about the indirect experiences. Unfortunately, most of the indirect experiences happen to be the blissful ones. We focus on things that are portrayed negatively than the things that are portrayed in a positive light. So how can we fix that. How can we take our hellish experiences and turn them into something positive? Well, we first train our minds not to focus so much on things that are so negative. Because, when we do this we take in all of the negativity and then the rest of the day turns out to be messed up because of that one incident. So the best thing to do is to take a deep breath and let go.

                 When blissful moments happen, cherish them.

          We often overlook our blissful moments because it doesn't have the same effect that a traumatic moment has. However, the blissful moments are a gift from Abba. Like our own personal rewards. So we must cherish the blissful moments that we do have and not focus on the traumatic moments that happen in our day-to-day lives. Once we start doing that then you will get to see more of a change. So here is the thing. This is going to be a process to take traumatic experiences, learn from them, forgive the person who was an active agent within the traumatic experience, change it into a positive experience and then focus more on the positive more than the negative. Once we have achieved this. Then our egotistical selves, our lower selves will die out and then you will have more control over your life. Remember, traumatic experiences are lessons of forgiveness. That is why Yeshua talks about forgiveness a lot because traumatic experiences gives us mental scars and we usually hold grudges against someone but if we do that we end up bearing the burden and hurting our own souls by holding these grudges. 

             Holding the grudges is not going to hurt the other person at all just yourself because you are bearing it within. So the best thing to do is to let go and move on. Walk, Learn, and Grow.  

Forgiveness is the hardest lesson we have to learn but in the end it will teach us how to be more open towards helping people and allow us to be more free. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

The Three Antichrists: The Dragon, The Beast and The False Prophet

Greetings Everyone,

               I just wanted to take the time and talk to you guys about the three Antichrists that are on earth right now. They are just about ready to set their plans into motion. Many have been focused on just one Antichrist. However, in actuality their are three of them. Three main ones. I will explain this a little bit further. *takes a deep breath* Okay here I go:

The Beast:


          The first one that I wanted to talk about is the beast. The beast will be a political leader that everyone would love at first and he will be labeled as Satan's son. With this said. He will eventually mess up the entire country and then leave. In my visions, the beast gets killed. 

So who is the beast?

              Well, the beast is Obama. That's the beast. He got everyone hook line and sinker and at the same process jacked up the entire country. He will cause the downfall of Babylon (America), cause chaos with the entire world, wage war with every nation known to man and he will leave as a result of very angry citizens. Why? Because he will break down America to the last compound financially, forcing America to be a third world country. But, he will get killed in the end.

The False Prophet:


                 Secondly, is the false prophet. Okay, this is going to be our peace promoter. Everyone can gain salvation type guy. He is the one that is going to be at the peace talks with Israel. He is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing. He has already made his appearance and he has talked many times and has said many things that doesn't fit the script of a holy sanctioned person. 

So who is this guy?

                    The false prophet is Pope Francis I. He will be our false prophet. It may not seem like that now but as time progress it will begin to reveal itself more and more and more. He will also be dealt with like the beast, accordingly.

The Dragon:


             Finally, the Dragon. Okay this is where some of you will get lost. I will try my best to explain. The dragon is really what people are looking for as the MAIN Antichrist. The one that will dominate the world with vicious tactics and will establish the one world government. Okay now that we have established that part. Here is where things start getting sticky. Well, the dragon is also going to be the Messiah impersonator. He will start preforming miracles and all of that stuff. Claim that he is for the people and nothing but the people, but in reality he is only against the people.

             He will deceive all, and if possible the elect. The elect could be deceived also by this guy. He is going to the one that no one would expect to be the MAIN runner (the Dragon). 

So who is the Dragon?

            Well, I don't know who the Dragon is. However, do know these qualities so you guys will know what to look for.  For one, the Dragon, doesn't share the spotlight with anyone. He revealed himself in front of Adam and Eve for the longest time and many times. He boldly told them what he was going to do with their descendants. That agenda? To make war! From all the stories that I have read and observed. He is a very bold character and loves to be the star of the show. So he is GOING to REVEAL himself. Let's not forget that he is an illusionist. So I'm telling you guys to be careful and to be cautious about what is going on. Be safe guys.

May Ahayah Bless You.

Comet ISON Growing Wings

Greetings Everyone,

                 As you may know, Comet Ison is growing wings now as it gets closer and closer to the sun. As it whips around we are going to have a lot of issues including electronic problems. Electronic problems such as no more electronic interaction. All of that is going to be gone. As I look at Comet Ison, I know that it's here to bestow judgement and also to change the world.


                This comet is going to flip Earth as we know it. Earth itself is going through a lot of birth pangs right now and Comet Ison. Which, I honestly do not think that it is a comet but rather a planet. I know I sound quite bizarre stating this but it is indeed a planet. So I'm anxious about what kind of changes ISON will have for us. This particular comet has also been talked about in the Book of Enoch. So if anyone wants to check that out, here is the link right here: The Book of Enoch.

           So by all means check this out. No, the Book of Enoch is NOT a false book. The Book of Enoch tells us about the fallen angels and how they earth turned into the way it did. How they got corrupted and how they were never allowed back into heaven because of what they did. It talks about the nations fighting, intriguing parables and of course Comet ISON. So I do encourage you guys to check it out. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Frequencies in Our DNA: Why We Cannot Hear God

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to express that we have frequencies that is embedded in our DNA. Abba has put in these frequencies to respond to the healing components of the sun and gaining more energy within our bodies when we eat fruits and vegetables. Okay, yeah that is a no-brainier but it also changes and applies different codes within our DNA. That's why it is important to look to mature and relying on nature to take care of you. When you are relying on nature you are relying on Abba and he will never fail to make sure that you have what you need.

              There was also a time were we could have personal conversations with Abba. I mean were we can talk to Him and we can hear Him talk back to us. Having the Moses experience. Yes, we can have that kind of experience too. It only happens when our frequencies are high enough to receive the messages.

So why is it that we cannot hear the Father talk to us?

            Well there are two major components that mess us up when it comes down to listening and receiving the messages that Abba gives us. The first component is the chem-trails that are being preformed by the drone arsenals that spew out chemicals every single day. I mean chem-trailing has gotten so bad that now we see chem-trailers and drones at night. Please do not mistaken them as being commercial plains. They are not. 

They are drones. And this is usually what they look like at night:

I see them fly over my house all the time and making routes through out the night.
What are they up to? I have no idea.
            They can tell if you are looking at them because they will turn off their front light. I do not understand why they do that because I have no choice but to see them forbid they fly SO CLOSE to my HOUSE. I know that they are up to something but what? Only time will tell.

              At any rate, they chem-trails dull out our abilities to receive messages from Abba and cause major health problems to your health systems. After awhile we become so weak that we worry about survival nonetheless the messages that we receive, also, we cannot heal properly without the frequencies of the sun. 

            The second major component of why we cannot hear Abba speak to us is the electronics. 

Just like these circuits in this picture, our brain works on a similar level.
These circuits cause disruptions to our brains and our day to day functionality. 

           These electronics are the very reason why we cannot hear Abba as well. It plays just as much as an important role as the chem-trails that they overwhelm us with every single day. This is what causes us to get cancer, Alzheimer's and other life-threatening diseases. These little circuits that you see in the pic above. Now the wireless connections, WiFi and cellphones are the most harmful things that they have given to us. 

                 They make us vulnerable and dependent on these inventions and then when Abba takes them away with the solar flare we will be like drug addicts because we have been dependent on it for so long. Electronics are a drug and in order to not be affected when this power grid shuts down. I advise you to start detoxing yourselves from it because it is coming. 

                 The important thing to know is that we run off of frequencies. We can either keep our frequencies high or keep them low. If you keep them high you will raise up your extra sense and then you will be able to see things that you never thought you would see before. You will see spirits, balls of light, even angels. Yes I know that these is going into new age spirituality. However, I am basing this from my own personal experiences. You can hear things at a higher scale, smell fragrances that you have never smelled before but you know for a fact that you did not light a candle, burn oils or light an incense. So every sense will be graded to a clairvoyance scale. 

                  If you keep them low then you are trapped with the frame of mind that modern society has developed for you. We are not here to be distracted with unnecessary things. We are here to learn from Abba and explore the world, and also to ascend to the new heaven and new earth to expand our learning even further. We are students learning from our Abba, our Creator. 

Does that mean that he still talks to us even though we cannot hear him? 

                  Yes, we can. We still get messages every single day. Like I have said many times before, you have to be open in order to receive them because they come to you throughout the day. Whether it be boldly or gently. They will come to you and what you do not pick up consciously. You will still be able to pick it up still within your subconscious because your spirit body will receive the message and then break it down unto the human conscious. 

We can still have communication with Abba. Just apply some effort.
Each Day and Every Time.

                  I know for a fact my dear brothers and sisters, we can hear Him speak to us. Just like when He spoke to Moses. How do I know that? Because I have personally heard Him speak myself. It is the best experience that you will ever have. I mean so pure, so sensational and so very powerful. So if I was able to hear Him talk to me then I know for a fact that you will be able to hear Him talk to you too. So keep a pure heart, open mind and an open ear and just wait for Him to come and listen.

May Ahayah Bless You.
moon cycle